Thursday, April 18, 2013

Day 1 - Part Deux - Juice Tasting Day


Wake up - hot water and lemon.

8:00am-9:15am Juice #1 - Romaine, Celery, Cucumber, Apple, Spinach, Kale, Parsley, Lemon

Weird.. it literally tastes like drinking a salad. At first, it was a but strange and jarring, but then I started appreciating the salad-y flavors. (Bigger gulps helped) As it went on, the apple and lemon flavors stood out from their vegetable brethren - and that was yummy. It was going to be repeated later so I was holding out judgement for when it was not so early.

10:45am-11am Juice #2- Pineapple, Apple, Mint

SO DELICIOUS! :) I mean, look at the ingredients. It's so yummy and satisfying. No hungry feeling.
1:00am - 1:55pm  Juice #3 Same as #1 - Romaine, Celery, Cucumber, Apple, Spinach, Kale, Parsley, Lemon    (My phone died, more photos tonight/ tomorrow)

You know, now that it's lunchtime - it actually tasted quite good. It was weird as the first thing in my body, but actually quite delicious this time. I also have to say, I am drinking so much fluid, my body isn't processing being hungry at all. I feel pretty good. I can't say if I feel better/ worse than most days - but definitely feel better than yesterday during my accidental fast.

2:03pm - got an email for a discount on Comet PingPong - a pizza restaurant/ hipster ping pong bar. Thinking of pizza is not a good idea. Feeling a hunger pang. Fight it.

2:45pm - 3:45pm Juice #4 - Spicy Lemonade

Fun! Literally tasted like cayenne in lemonade. It was tasty and gave me a very mild burn which helped trick me into thinking I ate something vs. drank a juice.

5:00pm - Juice #5 - Apple, Carrot, Beet, Lemon, Ginger
So, so good. I am realizing these fruit juices are to keep one happy during your lack of food days. It was like a nice candy. I do love beets though, if you didn't like beets, you would not like this one.

6:50pm Juice#6 - Cashew Milk with Cinnamon

This was so creamy and satisfying. It was a really nice reward to carry me through the night.

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